concentration camps

美 [ˌkɑːnsnˈtreɪʃn kæmps]英 [ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn kæmps]
  • n.集中营
  • concentration camp的复数
concentration campsconcentration camps

concentration camps


  • 1
    N-COUNT (通常指战时的)集中营
    A concentration camp is a prison in which large numbers of ordinary people are kept in very bad conditions, usually during a war.

  1. We were not aware of the concentration camps .


  2. Around 1.1 million people were killed in the Auschwitz concentration camps between 1940 and 1945 .


  3. People in Nazi concentration camps were slaughtered using toxic gas .


  4. And we were all sent to the concentration camps .


  5. Crumbs ! They might round us up and take us off to the concentration camps .


  6. Three hundred of these were imprisoned in concentration camps where they underwent rigid thought control .


  7. ROBERT SKIDELSKY : He gave people hope that unemployment could be cured without concentration camps .


  8. Did not personally administer the concentration camps .


  9. concentration camps , really , many will spend their entire lives from cradle-to-grave behind barbed wire .


  10. This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps .


  11. Her son was six , she said , when World War II was over and the news of concentration camps became public .


  12. Practicing a religion is considered subversive and many Christians were deported to concentration camps .


  13. They dedicated a monument in memory of the Jews who died in Nazi concentration camps .


  14. We all shuddered at the pictures of the fascist concentration camps .


  15. Before they were taken to concentration camps or executed , they would leave their prized possessions behind with friends or family .


  16. However , much controversy still remains as victims sneer at the pitiful settlements for their time in concentration camps and forced labor camps .


  17. But the unyielding anti-immigrant attitude that the United States applied to many Jews freed from concentration camps also applied to Crystal City 's unwanted population .


  18. Of the 39 SOE women infiltrated into France , 11 of whom would die in concentration camps , she was perhaps the most redoubtable .


  19. The Nazis kept detailed records of their atrocities , including how many Jews were moved to concentration camps or killed by roving death squads .


  20. But there were no concentration camps and no organised extermination of Jews in Shanghai - a rare human rights story where China ends up on the right side of history .


  21. When the Japanese occupied Shanghai , they forced the Jews into a ghetto , but resisted German demands to deport them to concentration camps .


  22. The prince chatted to Ms Ferguson , who left Poland for Canada just prior to the Nazi occupation , and some of whose family died in concentration camps .


  23. Therefore for those who have had ancestry destroyed in the concentration camps in Germany , please understand that your ancestors cleared this karma , and honor them as such .


  24. Thousands of jews , leftists , intellectuals , trade unionists , political clergy , and homosexuals disappeared into concentration camps after being arrested by the gestapo .


  25. The book , part memoir , part novel , is a recounting of Elie Wiesel 's experiences as a youth during World War II , when he and his family were imprisoned in German concentration camps .


  26. Later , as one of a handful of female front-line photographers , she accompanied American forces to document the D-Day aftermath , Allied advance and eventual liberation of the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps .


  27. The remaining 50000 residents were captured and transported to either concentration or extermination camps .
